IDS 400 Module Five Activity RubricActivity: 5‐2 Activity: Reflection: Self
Course: IDS‐400‐X5852 Diversity 23EW5
Name: Mohammed Alshaghathirah
Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Personal Experience 22.5 / 30
Criterion Feedback
You have described how critically analyzing the topic has positively informed your personal experiences. To reach proficiency,
please include examples exemplifying this in your paper.
30 points
Describes how critically
analyzing the topic has
positively informed
personal experience
22.5 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include
connecting critical
analysis of topic to
personal experience or
providing more detail
about that connection
0 points
Does not attempt
Activities – IDS-400-X5852 Diversity 23EW5 – Southern New Hampshire University…
1 of 3 6/8/2023, 12:37 PM
Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Bias 22.5 / 30
Criterion Feedback
You have described how examining bias has altered your perception of the world. To reach proficiency, please include
examples to support your reasoning.
Field of Study or
22.5 / 30
Criterion Feedback
You have made a good start in discussing the positive impact of critically analyzing diversity in your field of study or
profession. To reach proficiency, provide specific examples of how analyzing diversity adds value to your major or profession.
30 points
Describes how
examining bias has
altered ways of
perceiving the world
22.5 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include
connecting the
examination of bias to
perceptions or
providing more detail
about that connection
0 points
Does not attempt
30 points
Explains how critically
analyzing diversity can
positively influence
field of study or
22.5 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include
connecting the critical
analysis of diversity to
field of study or
profession or providing
more detail about that
0 points
Does not attempt
Activities – IDS-400-X5852 Diversity 23EW5 – Southern New Hampshire University…
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Total 77.5 / 100
Overall Score
Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Leverage our conversations in class discussions or materials to illustrate these examples.
Articulation of
10 / 10
Criterion Feedback
There are no major spelling or grammar errors. Ideas are communicated effectively. Great work formatting the paper in APA
10 points
Clearly conveys
meaning with correct
grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstrating an
understanding of
audience and purpose
7.5 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors in grammar,
sentence structure, and
spelling, negatively
impacting readability
0 points
Submission has critical
errors in grammar,
sentence structure, and
spelling, preventing
understanding of ideas
Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident
Activities – IDS-400-X5852 Diversity 23EW5 – Southern New Hampshire University…
3 of 3 6/8/2023, 12:37 PM