IDS 400 Module Four Activity RubricActivity: 4‐2 Activity: Critical Analysis: Reimagine
Course: IDS‐400‐X5852 Diversity 23EW5
Name: Mohammed Alshaghathirah
Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Reliable Evidence
from Varied Sources
20 / 20
Criterion Feedback
You have successfully identified and integrated reliable evidence from varied and scholarly sources throughout your paper to
support the analysis of your topic.
20 points
Integrates reliable
evidence from varied
sources throughout the
paper to support
15 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include drawing
from a more diverse
pool of perspectives,
using more varied
sources to support the
analysis, or integrating
evidence and sources
throughout the paper
to support the analysis
0 points
Does not attempt
Activities – IDS-400-X5852 Diversity 23EW5 – Southern New Hampshire University…
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Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Significant Factors 15 / 20
Criterion Feedback
A good start to considering some of the biases, beliefs, assumptions, and/or values that can impact your topic.
As we discussed early on in the course, bias is something that all human beings have and must work through when
conducting research and otherwise. There are so many different forms of bias that one must least be aware of when engaging
with materials. Desjardins (2021) provides a beautiful infographic showing the breadth of cognitive biases we must consider.
To reach proficiency, include references in this section. You list three sources at the end but they are not cited throughout the
paper. Including this will strengthen the paper overall and illustrate where your materials come from in the research.
Desjardins, J.,(2021). Every Single Cognitive Bias in One Infographic. (2021). Retrieved 28 September 2022, from‐single‐cognitive‐bias/
20 points
Assesses at least two
significant factors that
could impact the topic,
such as biases, beliefs,
assumptions, and/or
15 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include assessing
at least two significant
factors that could
impact the topic or
providing more support
of the assessment
0 points
Does not attempt
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Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Potential Obstacle 15 / 20
Criterion Feedback
A good start to considering obstacles to your population's engagement with the topic.
Again, involving the community that you will be exploring in resolving issues that impact that population is essential to
learning, creating, and leveraging the perspectives of that group in solving the problems. On that same token, there are
sometimes challenges to engaging those groups in the conversation, like establishing trust, access to resources/technology,
and more.
To reach proficiency, include references in this section.
20 points
Explains how at least
one potential obstacle
could interfere with the
engagement with the
15 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include providing
more detailed
explanation of the
obstacle or providing
more support of how
the obstacle might
interfere with the
engagement with the
0 points
Does not attempt
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Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Societal Conversation 22.5 / 30
Criterion Feedback
A good start to considering the potential outcomes of the proposed engagement with your population and how that might
influence larger social conversations around your topic and diversity at large.
Likewise here, to reach proficiency, you must also provide supportive evidence for your rationale. Suppose you say that one
outcome of the engagement will provide insight that this group wants x or y action. In that case, you must include a citation
or source that shows that x or y is what they use/want to address the challenges you've described.
Articulation of
5 / 5
30 points
Describes a possible
outcome of the
proposed engagement
that might influence
societal conversations
that add to critical
awareness of diversity
22.5 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors or omissions;
areas for improvement
may include providing
more details about
how the critical
analysis could
influence societal
conversations about
the topic or how it
might add to
awareness of diversity
0 points
Does not attempt
5 points
Clearly conveys
meaning with correct
grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstrating an
understanding of
audience and purpose
3.75 points
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with
errors in grammar,
sentence structure, and
spelling, negatively
impacting readability
0 points
Submission has critical
errors in grammar,
sentence structure, and
spelling, preventing
understanding of ideas
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Total 82.5 / 100
Overall Score
Criteria Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Criterion Feedback
There are no major spelling or grammar errors. Ideas are communicated effectively. Excellent work formatting the paper in
APA style.
See TurnItIn for detailed feedback.
Citations and
5 / 5
Criterion Feedback
Excellent work including citations in APA style.
5 points
Uses citations for ideas
requiring attribution,
with consistent minor
3.75 points
Uses citations for ideas
requiring attribution,
with major errors
0 points
Does not use citations
for ideas requiring
Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident
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