
We went to Mater Dolarosa retreat center in Pasadena on Friday for our class. There was a guy who was working there as a volunteer. He gave us a handbook and explained about the stations of Cross (there are 14 stations) that are located in the holy land, but they have made a sample of it in this location. He walked us through these stations, read the story, and hems based on each station. Then we all sat on the grass (some people had beach chairs and some blankets). And eat our lunches (we brought them from home). Then our instructor gave us the box with (oil, stone, candle, and sand with the instructor of what we needed to do with that supply) and also he gave us a card that we needed to write what we wanted to write for our future self(the prayer or whatever). He wanted to post it back to us in December.

The two below images are the instructor of that box. I went through all steps. It was joyful and made me relax. (you can add whatever you want)



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