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Citing a Bill in 6th Edition APA http://www.alverno.edu/media/alvernocollege/library/pdfs/bill.pdf
Citing a Federal Bill
Follow these directions for citing a federal bill that has been introduced in the United States Congress but not enacted into law. Include the name of the bill (if relevant), the abbreviated name of the house (H.R. or S.) and number of the bill, the number of the Congress, and the year of publication. Example for a House of Representatives bill introduced in the 115th Congress:
ZZZ's to A's Act, H.R. 2245, 115th Cong. (2017).
Citing a State Bill
Unfortunately, citing state bills can be tricky due to varying numbering systems and differences in governmental bodies among individual states. Follow these directions for citing a state bill that has been introduced in the Wisconsin State Legislature but not enacted into law. Include the number of the bill (use A.B. for an Assembly bill or S.B. for a Senate bill), number of the legislative body, number or designation of the legislative session (using appropriate abbreviation if applicable), state abbreviation and year of publication. Example of an Assembly bill introduced in the Wisconsin State Legislature 2017 Biennium:
A.B. 582, 2017 Biennium, 2017 Reg. Sess. (Wis. 2017).
The BlueBook provides more information on how to cite legislative documents and includes tables with
appropriate abbreviations.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Name of the
(Year of
Number of
the Congress
Number of
the bill
Number of
the bill
Number of
legislative body
Number of
(State and