
Critically think about Erikson's fourth stage of Psychosocial Development, Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development, and development during middle childhood. Familiarize yourself with Module 5's objectives, introduction, video, and articles. Use the articles in Module 5 as your primary references, then use the St Leo Online Library for peer review sources and to find relevance to this week's topic.

1.In the video posted on YouTube, a small group of children are asked to respond to the Heinz Dilemma. In short, the Heinz Dilemma is about a man whose wife is dying and the cure to her specific illness is being sold at an incredibly high price. After being denied a cheaper price, Heinz steals the cure. The children are then asked if Heinz should have done that, to which some children think in a reward-punishment fashion and say that Heinz was wrong while others can understand why Heinz did what he did for his wife (YouTube, 2010).

Explain which Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development relate to the types of answers from the children in the video. Then explain the criticisms of Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development.

2. Fluid intelligence has been noted as a process that primarily relies on prior knowledge and experience. Fluid intelligence can be seen as necessary in problem solving and a slew of other cognitive activities. Working memory is a limited capacity system that can manipulate and store information for a short period of time. Like fluid intelligence, it is necessary for problem solving activities. Cochrane, Simmering, and Green (2019) investigate the correlation between fluid intelligence, working memory, and visual attention.

What are some ways that the results of Cochrane and colleagues (2019) and related research be used at home or in the classroom setting?

Cochrane, A., Simmering, V., & Green, C. S. (2019). Fluid intelligence is related to capacity in memory as well as attention: Evidence from middle childhood and adulthood. PLoS ONE, 14(8), 1–24. https://doi-org.saintleo.idm.oclc.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0221353

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