Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan Scoring Guide
Evaluate theenvironmental andepidemiological dataabout yourcommunity todetermine apopulation-focusedpriority for care.
Does not describeenvironmentalandepidemiologicaldata about acommunity.
Describesenvironmental andepidemiologicaldata about acommunity in anincomplete manner,leading to a flaweddiagnosis of apopulation-focusedpriority for care.
Evaluates theenvironmental andepidemiologicaldata about yourcommunity todetermine apopulation-focusedpriority for care.
Evaluates the environmentaland epidemiological data aboutyour community to determine apopulation-focused priority forcare. Support you evaluationwith specific reference toprofessional best-practices orscholarly sources.
Develop an ethicalhealth improvementplan with outcomecriteria thataddresses thepopulation healthpriority for careidentified in theevaluation.
Does not describean ethical healthimprovementplan.
Describes anethical healthimprovement plan.However, thedescription is eithermissing theoutcome criteria orthe criteria are notrelevant topopulation healthpriority for careidentified ordescribed healthimprovement plan.
Develops anethical healthimprovement planwith outcomecriteria thataddresses thepopulation healthpriority for careidentified in theevaluation.
Develops an ethical healthimprovement plan with outcomecriteria that addresses thepopulation health issueidentified in the evaluation.Specifically notesenvironmental realities andchallenges existing in thecommunity, potential barriers ormisunderstandings related tovarious cultures prevalent in thecommunity, and why proposedcriteria are appropriate anduseful measures of success.Specifically notesenvironmental realities andchallenges existing in thecommunity, potential barriers ormisunderstandings related tovarious cultures prevalent in thecommunity, and why proposedcriteria are appropriate anduseful measures of success.
Explain a plan tocollaborate with aspecific communityorganization tosupport theimplementation ofthe populationhealth improvementin an ethical,culturally sensitive,and inclusive way.
Does not explaina strategy forcommunicatingwith communitystakeholders andcommunitymembers in anethical, culturallysensitive, andinclusive way.
Explains acommunicationstrategy that fallsshort of beingethical, culturallysensitive, orinclusive.
Explains a plan tocollaborate with aspecific communityorganization tosupport theimplementation ofthe populationhealthimprovement in anethical, culturallysensitive, andinclusive way.
Explains a plan to collaboratewith a specific communityorganization to support theimplementation of thepopulation health improvementin an ethical, culturallysensitive, and inclusive way.Notes specific strategies toallow for a respectful exchangeof ideas and insights with thecommunity organization.Specifically notes relevantcommunity stakeholders,relevant, how communicationwill be mindful of data privacyand help make complexmedical terms understandableto community membersregardless of language,disabilities, or level ofeducation.
Explain the valueand relevance of theevidence andtechnologyresources used asthe basis of apopulation healthimprovement plan
Does not explainthe value andrelevance ofresources used asthe basis of apopulation healthimprovementplan.
Provides a weak orflawed explanationof the value orrelevance ofresources used asthe basis of apopulation healthimprovement plan.
Explains the valueand relevance ofthe evidence andtechnologyresources used asthe basis of apopulation healthimprovement plan.
Explains the value andrelevance of the evidence andtechnology resources used asthe basis of a population healthimprovement plan. Supports theexplanation with reference tospecific professional best-practices and scholarlysources.
Communicates theEvidence-BasedPopulation HealthImprovement Plan ina professional,effective mannerthat engages thecommunityorganizationstakeholders andthe community-atlarge to implementand sustain change.
Does notcommunicate theEvidence-BasedPopulation HealthImprovementPlan.
Communicates theEvidence-BasedPopulation HealthImprovement Planin a professionalmanner. Thecommunication isunclear ordisorganized, whichlimits theengagement ofcommunitystakeholders toimplement andsustain change.
Communicates theEvidence-BasedPopulation HealthImprovement Planin a professional,effective mannerthat engages thecommunitystakeholders toimplement andsustain change.
Communicates the Evidence-Based Population HealthImprovement Plan in aprofessional, effective mannerthat engages the communityorganization stakeholders andthe community-at large toimplement and sustain change.Provides specific actions thatthe community stakeholderscan take themselves to helpprovide a feeling of communityownership in the plan.
Integrate relevantand crediblesources of evidenceto supportassertions, correctlyformatting citationsand referencesusing APA style.
Does not integratecredible sourcesof evidence orapply APAformatting to in-text citations andreferences.
Integrates crediblesources ofevidence, but thesources used is notrelevant or do notwell supportassertions. APAformatting of in-textcitations andreferences isincorrect orinconsistent,detractingnoticeably fromgood scholarship.
Integrates relevantand crediblesources ofevidence tosupport assertions,correctly formattingcitations andreferences usingAPA style.
Integrates relevant and crediblesources of evidence to supportassertions. Exhibits strict andnearly flawless adherence toAPA style of in-text citations andreferences.