
Evidence-Based Patient-Centered Needs Assessment Scoring Guide


Identify theimportance ofaddressing patientengagement in themanagement of apatient’s specifichealth, economic,and cultural needsbased on the bestavailable evidence.

Does not identifyreasons for whypatientengagement isimportant

Identifies reasonsfor why patientengagement isimportant, but doesnot do so within thecontext of one ormore of a patient’sspecific health,economic, andcultural needsbased on the bestavailable evidence.

Identifies theimportance ofaddressing patientengagement in themanagement of apatient’s specifichealth, economic,and cultural needsbased on the bestavailable evidence.

Identifies the importance ofaddressing patientengagement in themanagement of a patient’sspecific health, economic,and cultural needs based onthe best available evidence.Provides specific examplesof patient engagementstrategies that would beappropriate to apply to thechosen patient.

Explain the potentialuse and impact ofinformation andcommunicationtechnology toolsneeded to improveconsumer healthliteracy for a specificpatient population.

Does not identifythe potential useand impact ofinformation andcommunicationtechnology toolsneeded to improveconsumer healthliteracy for aspecific patientpopulation.

Identifies thepotential use andimpact ofinformation andcommunicationtechnology toolsneeded to improveconsumer healthliteracy for a specificpatient population.

Explains thepotential use andimpact ofinformation andcommunicationtechnology toolsneeded to improveconsumer healthliteracy for aspecific patientpopulation.

Explains the potential useand impact of informationand communicationtechnology tools needed toimprove consumer healthliteracy for a specific patientpopulation. Supportsexplanation with specificreference to evidence fromprofessional best-practice orscholarly sources. Identifiesunanswered questions orareas of uncertainty aboutthe individual needs of thepatient or their family, wherefurther information couldimprove the analysis.

Evaluate the valueand relevance of thetechnologymodalities that maybe used to addressthe needs identifiedin the patientpopulationassessment.

Does not explaintechnologymodalities that maybe used tomodalities that maybe used to addressthe needs identifiedin the patientpopulationassessment.

Does not explaintechnologymodalities that maybe used tomodalities that maybe used to addressthe needs identifiedin the patientpopulationassessment.

Evaluates the valueand relevance ofthe technologymodalities that maybe used to addressthe needs identifiedin the patientpopulationassessment.

Evaluates the value andrelevance of the technologymodalities that may be usedto address the needsidentified in the patientpopulation assessment.Notes how exchange andinteroperability of technologymodalities contribute to theirvalue. Notes specific ways inwhich the communicationstrategies promote honestcommunication, facilitatesharing only information thatis permitted under dataprivacy rules, and help tomake complex medicalterms and conceptsunderstandable to yourpatient and their family,regardless of language,abilities, or educational level.

Identify innovativestrategies forleveragingtechnology to

Does not identifystrategies forleveragingtechnology to

Identifies strategiesfor leveragingtechnology tosupport patient care.

Identifies innovativestrategies forleveragingtechnology to

Identifies innovativestrategies for leveragingtechnology to supportquality, ethical, and efficient

CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHEDsupport quality,ethical, and efficientpatient care that isculturally andlinguisticallyappropriate for theidentified patientpopulation.

support patientcare.

However, does notfully address howthat technologyrelates to quality,ethical, and efficientpatient care that isculturally orlinguisticallyappropriate for thepatient population.

support quality,ethical, and efficientpatient care that isculturally andlinguisticallyappropriate for theidentified patientpopulation.

patient care that is culturallyand linguistically appropriatefor the identified patientpopulation. Make referenceto evidence fromprofessional best-practicesor scholarly sources tosupport the use of theidentified strategies.

Explain how theproposed strategieswill mitigate the riskof adverseoutcomes due toinequity in access topatient personalhealth data andtechnologymodalities.

Does not describehow the proposedstrategies maymitigate the risk ofadverse outcomes.

Describes how theproposed strategiesmay mitigate therisk of adverseoutcomes, but theconnection toinequity in access topatient personalhealth data ortechnologymodalities is eitherunclear or missing.

Explains how theproposed strategieswill mitigate the riskof adverseoutcomes due toinequity in access topatient personalhealth data andtechnologymodalities.

Explains how the proposedstrategies will mitigate therisk of adverse outcomesdue to inequity in access topatient personal health dataand technology modalities.Supports the explanationwith specific examples ofstrategies that havepreviously been applied tomitigate risks and addressiniquities.

Convey purpose ofthe assessmentnarrative in anappropriate tone andstyle, incorporatingsupportingevidence, andadhering toorganizational,professional, andscholarlycommunicationstandards.

Does not conveypurpose of theassessmentnarrative, in anappropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupportingevidence andadhering toorganizational,professional, andcommunicationscholarlystandards.

Conveys purpose ofthe assessmentnarrative, in anappropriate tone orstyle. Clear,effectivecommunication isinhibited byinsufficientsupporting evidenceand minimaladherence toapplicablecommunicationstandards.

Convey purpose ofthe assessmentnarrative in anappropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupporting evidenceand adhering toorganizational,professional, andscholarlycommunicationstandards. UsesAPA style andformatting.

Conveys clear purpose ofthe assessment narrative, ina tone and style well-suitedto the intended audience.Supports assertions,arguments, and conclusionswith relevant, credible, andconvincing evidence.Exhibits strict and nearlyflawless adherence toorganizational, professional,and scholarlycommunication standards,including APA style andformatting.

Integrate relevantand crediblesources of evidenceto supportassertions, correctlyformatting citationsand referencesusing APA style.

Does not integratecredible sources ofevidence or applyAPA formatting toin- text citationsand references.

Integrates crediblesources ofevidence, but thesources used is notrelevant or do notwell- supportassertions. APAformatting of in-textcitations andreferences isincorrect orinconsistent,detractingnoticeably fromgood scholarship.

Integrates relevantand crediblesources of evidenceto supportassertions, correctlyformatting citationsand referencesusing APA style.

Integrates relevant andcredible sources of evidenceto support assertions.Exhibits strict and nearlyflawless adherence to APAstyle of in-text citations andreferences.

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