Due 6/10/2023
500 words
After reflecting on what you have been exposed to in these last weeks, please write a reflection of your learning and include the points listed below NOTE: this is NOT a question-and-answer reflection. Think through your thoughts and weave your thoughts into a meaningful reflection that touches on the points below:
1. What are 5 key points that resonate with you?
2. How has your thinking changed as a result of this new information?
3. What will you share with your colleagues where you work and why?
4. What will you change about your current practices and why?
5. What will you recommend to your leaders at your place of work to change the teaching and learning environment?
6. What are you going to take time to learn more about and why?
7. What shocked you and why?
8. What inspired you and why?
9. What do you challenge and why?
Write in a scholarly yet reflective manner following good grammar and writing format.
Cite from the resources using APA 7 in-text citations and provide a reference list.
Topics from the past weeks to help guide discussion.
Countless curricular decisions are made in districts continually, but none, more importantly, following a Crisis.
How curriculum leaders arrive at these decisions varies.
· More progressive school districts have continuous improvement models in place to address curriculum decision-making and are constantly affecting changes in the curriculum as a result of these plans.
· Others approach curricular decisions as a response to an identified need that has presented itself due to student performance or other pressures.
· Some make decisions haphazardly without results ,
· While some school districts demonstrate lethargy and apathy toward curricular decision-making and are stagnant for all intents and purposes. (Gordon, Taylor, Oliva, 2019)
Organizational staff and administrators have a wide range of leadership, instruction, curriculum, technology, data analysis, organization, and communication capabilities. The challenge is finding a way to meet the needs while capitalizing on the people to get the work done collaboratively.
The Relationship of Politics/Society on Curriculum ReformPolitical influence over what students are learning in the classroom has been at theforefront in recent years, but its impact goes back decades. A recent study showed 48% ofprincipals and 40% of teachers feel politics impact their job, said Heather Schwartz, directorof the Pre-K to 12 educational systems program at the Rand Corporation, a research-focused, nonprofit think tank. Often, the push for change within schools can be traced towhich political groups are in power and have greater influence.Education is a sub-system of society that changes with societal and political influences.Curriculum change/modification is a normal consequence of changes in theenvironment/society. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the curriculum specialist to seekcontinuous improvement in the curriculum and recognize what internal and externalinfluences prevail. Both teachers and curriculum specialists have roles in curriculumdevelopment in collaboration with other school personnel.
Today’s curriculum leaders are working in environments of rapid disruption — and oftenleading teams that aren’t co-located. As leaders balance demanding jobs alongside rolesoutside of work, success requires a clear understanding of one’s own leadership style andclarity around development goals. Curriculum Specialists/Leaders often make a uniquecontribution by creatively transforming theory and knowledge into practice. At varying times,he/she must be a digital designer, a human relations expert, a theoretician, a data analyst, asubject matter expert, an evaluator, a researcher, and an instructor.Leaders face these challenges:• Leading virtual teams for high-impact results• Collaborating across the organization — and across the globe• Maintaining resiliency while handling uncertainty, solving problems, and dealing withinterconnected systems• Tackling big priorities on all frontsThe purpose of this assignment is to discover what a Leader of Curriculum experiences andperceives while leading, designing, and implementing curriculum in his/her educationalinstitution. How do they perceive the difference between being a leader of change rather thana manager of curriculum? There is a significant difference as discovered in your reading.Through conversation with a curriculum leader, you will identify the key skill set required tolead innovative change and understand how to deal with the challenges a leader faces whenstriving for academic excellence and growth.