Discussion Current Event Article

Search online for a current event or article that exemplifies and/or applies the chapters concept(s)

            ULO 1- Explain the role of finance and the different types of jobs in finance (CLO 1 and 2).
            ULO 2- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of business organization (CLO 1 and 2).
            ULO 3- Discuss the importance of business ethics and the consequences of unethical behavior (CLO 1 and 2).
            ULO 4- Identify the different types of financial markets and financial institutions, and explain how these markets and institutions enhance capital allocation (CLO 2 and 3).
            ULO 5-  Explain how the stock market operates, and list the distinctions between the different types of stock markets (CLO 2 and 5).
            ULO 6- Discuss the importance of market efficiency, and explain why some markets are more efficient than others (CLO 1 and 2).

nclude URL to the article being reviewed.
Identify the concept referenced in the article.
Explain how the concepts in the chapters for this unit are applied in the article.
Special Note: Please be sure to focus on the CHAPTER objectives for each week as opposed to the Course Learning Outcomes.
All postings should contain appropriate grammar, correct spelling, appropriate citing, and be relevant to the discussion topic.
Each initial response should be 100-150 words

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