In this ac�vity, you will have the opportunity to examine how using cri�cal analysis tools influences your interac�ons with others and your understanding of the role of diversity in society. You will also consider how the analysis of your topic
might have turned out differently if you looked at it through a different lens. Comple�ng this ac�vity will result in a dra� of the reflec�on sec�on of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor
that you can incorporate into your project submission.
In this ac�vity, you will work on the second part of the reflec�on sec�on of your project. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous ac�vity and use your responses to inform this assignment. Include diverse
perspec�ves from varied sources to support your points. Look to the SNHU Shapiro Library for assistance and consider the sources you have used thus far to support the cri�cal analysis of your topic. First, you will explain how the analysis of
your topic in diversity may have been different if you had used one of the other general educa�on lenses. Next, you will explain how cri�cally analyzing diversity posi�vely affects your interac�ons with people. Finally, you will describe how
this course has impacted your understanding of the role of diversity in society.
You are not required to answer each ques�on below the rubric criteria but may use them to be�er understand the criteria and guide your thinking.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
a. It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspec�ves from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons rubric criterion.
b. Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while ci�ng and a�ribu�ng sources will be represented as APA in‐text cita�ons and a reference list at the end of your work.
c. You will be evaluated on both criteria.
2. Explain at least one way in which your analysis might have been different if you had used one of the other general educa�on lenses to analyze your topic.
a. This should be a brief (3–5 sentences) reflec�on about how using the language and perspec�ve from a different lens would shi� your view of your topic.
3. Explain how cri�cally analyzing diversity adds value to interac�ons with people in a variety of contexts.
a. Think about ways in which individual conversa�ons are strengthened by a greater awareness of diversity. Consider including an example from your life.
4. Describe how this course has helped you understand the role of diversity in society.
a. Consider how having a be�er understanding of concepts such as bias, intersec�onality, culture, and iden�ty contributes to your percep�ons of diversity in society. Also, how might your cri�cal analysis skills impact how you
approach topics of diversity?
What to Submit
Submit your short paper as a 1‐ to 2‐page Microso� Word document with double spacing, 12‐point Times New Roman font, and one‐inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style
Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons.
Module Six Ac�vity Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Reliable Evidence from VariedSources
Integrates reliable evidence from variedsources throughout the paper to supportanalysis
Shows progress toward proficiency, but witherrors or omissions; areas for improvementmay include drawing from a more diversepool of perspec�ves, using more variedsources to support the analysis, orintegra�ng evidence and sources throughoutthe paper to support the analysis
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Different General Educa�on Lens Explains at least one way in which theanalysis might have been different if anothergeneral educa�on lens was used to analyzethe topic
Shows progress toward proficiency, but witherrors or omissions; areas for improvementmay include connec�ng a different lens tothe topic or providing more support of thatconnec�on
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Interac�ons with People Explains how cri�cally analyzing diversityadds value to interac�ons with people in avariety of contexts
Shows progress toward proficiency, but witherrors or omissions; areas for improvementmay include connec�ng the cri�cal analysisof diversity to interac�ons with people orproviding more detail about that connec�on
Does not a�empt criterion 25
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Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Diversity in Society Describes how this course has helpedunderstanding the role of diversity in society
Shows progress toward proficiency, but witherrors or omissions; areas for improvementmay include connec�ng the course to therole of diversity in society or providing moredetail about that connec�on
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Ar�cula�on of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, and spelling,demonstra�ng an understanding of audienceand purpose
Shows progress toward proficiency, but witherrors in grammar, sentence structure, andspelling, nega�vely impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in grammar,sentence structure, and spelling, preven�ngunderstanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring a�ribu�on,with consistent minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring a�ribu�on,with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas requiringa�ribu�on
Total: 100%
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