Week 10 Assignment 2: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)
Shamsudine R
College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University
NRNP 6675F: PMHNP Care Across the Lifespan II
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Week 10 Assignment 2: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)
The development of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)
Competency was an essential tool in determining and ensuring competency in the various
nursing fields. Understanding the key elements of the NONPF is essential for every nurse
practitioner and incorporating these elements in the various course units improves understanding
(Thomas et al., 2017). The knowledge, research skills, clinical experience and evidence-based
practices gained from the MSN-PMHNP program has further promoted the application of the
various NONPF competency elements. This assignment analyses the various NONPF
competency elements describing how they MSN-PMHNP program has provided the knowledge
and skills on application of the nine NONPF competency skills in psychiatry health.
Scientific Foundation
The MSN-PMHNP program assisted me in fulfilling the requirements for the scientific
foundation competency. It taught me how to become proficient in locating evidence-based peer
review articles and journals through reliable sources such as the school library. After that, it
taught me how to critically analyze, translate, and use the information provided by the
researchers in the form of PICO questions. Finally, it taught me how to use the evidence
provided to improve patient care and outcomes (The National Organization of Nurse
Practitioners Faculties, 2017). Through the knowledge gained, I will be able to establish new
practices by applying theories, researching skills, and practices in accordance to the nursing
practice. As an illustration, one may use the DSM-5 criteria as a guide when developing an
accurate diagnosis.
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My preparation for leadership came from the MSN-PMHNP program, which required me
to engage in activities such as problem solving, business development, ethical and critical
decision making, effective working relationships, and communication in order to evaluate the
outcome of care. All of these activities were designed to help me become a better leader. This
program also prepared me for the role of a leader by preparing me for the role of a manager. For
example, developing the skills necessary to persuade decision-makers at the system, state, or
national level in order to better manage shifts in nursing practice and improve nursing as a
profession overall (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017).
In order to keep the level of care at a consistent standard, the federal government,
individual states, and municipalities all have enacted laws and regulations. The course material
featured training on how to apply the Excellent Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) concepts,
content, and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to our job, which helped to guarantee
that our patients would receive high-quality care. For instance, clinical guidelines need to be
consulted before developing a treatment plan for the patient in order to provide a personalized
treatment plan that is risk-free for the patient, is available for purchase at an affordable price, and
is not difficult to obtain. Secondly, in order to improve the quality of care that is provided by an
organization, it is important to anticipate the needs of patients in a culturally competent manner
while providing patient care, to collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams in order to improve
clinical practice in mental health settings, and to do all of this while maintaining professional
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boundaries and a therapeutic relationship with clients and staff (The National Organization of
Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017).
Practice Inquiry
This fundamental capability encompasses the policies and procedures of institutional
review boards, the incorporation of leadership and investigative abilities into daily clinical
practice, and the promotion of improved patient outcomes. For instance, I can put the knowledge
I've gained from the program to use by evaluating the research material and coming up with a
PICO model to describe the clinical questions in order to find problems in clinical practice that
are related to the issues the patient is experiencing. For instance, as part of patient care, I am
expected to use electronic health records to analyze patient behavior and risk factors, as well as
to identify any gaps or barriers that may exist during interactions with patients in the medical
sector (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017).
Technology and Information Literacy
The curriculum has provided us with the knowledge and skills necessary to use
information technology to enhance medical treatment and interpret scientific and technical
information into language that is understandable to patients. For instance, I am proficient in the
use of information technology to input patient's health record information, as well as provide
other health care providers with real-time access to patient's information in order to assist them
in making informed decisions or adjusting treatment plans accordingly. The information that was
supplied was designed to encourage care that was both safe and effective in terms of cost.
Inputting patient data such as blood pressure, vital signs, glucose, and weight into this system
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can help monitor and analyze clinical issues (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioners
Faculties, 2017).
Policy Competence
According to the expectations of this competency, we should be able to demonstrate an
awareness of the relationship between policy and practice, as well as advocate for ethical policies
that enhance access, equity, quality, and cost. It is essential of us to work as advocates in order to
go forward with policies that support safe and healthy practice. The program equipped us with
knowledge and required us to address ethical concerns such as fairness, equity, and health
disparities, as well as access and resource allocation, health behavior, and social determinants of
health. This prepared us to play a significant role in the reform of the health care system. As
aspiring PMHNP, we are required to provide care to patients in an objective manner and assess
the impact of health care on global issues such as infectious diseases, travel, immigration, natural
disasters and acts of terrorism, as well as access to health care, by making use of the social
determinants of health (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017).
Health Delivery System
The facilitation of the establishment of health care systems that cater to the requirements
of culturally diverse populations, providers, and other stakeholders is included as part of the
content of this competency. My participation in the program equipped me with the knowledge
and skills necessary to deliver a variety of psychiatric services to patients of all ages. In addition
to this, it imparted expertise on how to establish an organizational structure that will assist in the
interpretation of variances in results. I am able to improve the delivery of health care and bring
about change in the field of health care by applying my knowledge of organizational practices
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and complex systems. In the future, when I am a PMHNP, this will help me assess the effect of
health care delivery on patients and reduce the risks that are posed to them and to myself (The
National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017).
Every PMHNP is obliged to employ ethics as one of the key competencies that guides his
or her work. This is a requirement for the profession. “Ethical decisions” demand “moral
courage” and “balance the concepts of morality and legalities in analysis,” according to Dolan
(2017). The role of the nurse practitioner is fraught with moral conundrums continually. During
the clinical rotation, ethical thought was utilized in order to arrive at decisions regarding
interactions with the patient. The patient was also given an explanation of the ethical
implications, so that they are aware of everything that is taking place. It is our obligation to
factor ethical considerations into the decision-making process. The curriculum educated us on
how to utilize clinical concepts in policy making by training us to use theories of ethical decision
making. This prepared us. – legal statutes – cultural sensitivity – ethical committees – genetic
counseling – clinical research – scope of practice – For instance, if we had any kind of interaction
with a patient while performing clinical practice, we were supposed to give some thought to
ethical issues in terms of both spiritual resources and system-specific resources (The National
Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017).
Independent Practice
After successful completion of the program, the student will have the knowledge and
skills necessary to function independently while maintaining close contact with a physician. The
program required that we demonstrate our clinical abilities and expertise by having us complete
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160 hours of clinical work in addition to observing 160 patients participating in individual,
family, and group psychotherapy sessions. This prepared us to carry out the responsibilities of a
certified independent practitioner and enabled us to fulfill those responsibilities. In addition to
this, throughout the course of our training in the field of psychopharmacology management, we
were required to treat a total of 160 patients and complete a total of 160 clinical hours (Jormfeldt
et al. 2018). This demonstrated the highest level of accountability that is even remotely feasible
in terms of professional practice. During the time that we spent in clinicals, for instance, we were
responsible for conducting initial mental evaluations, keeping track of patients who had been
previously diagnosed throughout the course of their treatment, and educating patients on how to
safeguard themselves against illness, avoid disease, and promote good health. In addition to this,
we had to demonstrate that we had the ability to distinguish normal results, variations of normal
findings, and pathological findings. During our interactions with patients, we were expected to
cultivate therapeutic relationships with patients characterized by respect, empathy, and
cooperation (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties, 2017). For instance, I
was able to give care that was holistic, culturally competent, and included the patient's spiritual
values, all while ensuring that the patient was the only one who decided on their course of
Even if regulatory limits at the state and federal level continue to present a considerable
barrier for nurses to work within their scope of practice, the “Future of Nursing” report
recommends that nurses should continue to work up to the full extent of their education and
training. Despite this, it is recommended that nurses work to the full extent of their education and
training (Phoenix & Chapman, 2020). As a nurse practitioner, I intend to participate in social
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change in my community by delivering holistic care that is ideal in all aspects, including
competence, empathy, and compassion. I will do this to the best of my ability. During the time
that the patient is receiving treatment, as a patient advocate, it is my responsibility to ensure that
the patient is treated with respect and decency. As a patient educator, it would be my
responsibility to make sure that the patient is well-informed not just on the progression of the
disease but also on how to avoid being sick and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Legislative and/or Advocacy Activities in Iowa States.
The Iowa Psychiatric Nurse Society is a good illustration of one of the organizations that
nurse practitioners in the states if Iowa belong to. All of the nurse practitioners in the state have a
unified voice because to the efforts of this group. They are able to participate in advocacy by
protecting the scope of the professional practice through government relations. Additionally, they
are able to participate in educating by providing the knowledge necessary for practice and career
development. Furthermore, they are able to participate in empowering through networking.
Finally, they are able to participate in career services by delivering the tools and resources that
support the success of practice. Because they have affiliates in the north, center, west, they are
able to serve the interests of nurse practitioners who specialize in any field. They are responsible
for the creation of the practice agreement that the psychiatrists and the psychiatric nurse
practitioners have mutually agreed to follow, in addition to the proposal of new laws.
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Dolan, C. (2017). Moral, ethical, and legal decision-making in controversial NP practice
situations. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. doi:
Jormfeldt, H., Doyle, L., […], & Kilkku, N. (2018). Master’s level mental health nursing
competencies, a prerequite for equal health among service users in mental health care. Int
j Qual Stud Health Well-being, 13(1): 1502013.doi: 10.1080/17482631.2018.1502013
Phoenix, B. J., & Chapman, S. A. (2020). Effect of state regulatory environments on advanced
psychiatric nursing practice. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 34(5), 370–376.
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