MGT 360 – Leadership Development Portfolio
Chapter 8 – Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)
The most widely used measure of transformational leadership is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). These questions provide examples of the items that are used to evaluate leadership style. The Self form presented here measures self-perception of leadership behaviors. By thinking about the leadership styles as exemplified in the attached questionnaire, you can get a sense of your own belief about your leadership. Typically, high scores on individualized consideration and motivation factors are most indicative of strong transformational leadership. Upon completion of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), please address the following points in your 1 page support document:
– According to your self-rating, what do your scores suggest about your leadership style?
– Are you more likely to lead with an emphasis on transactional leadership or transformational leadership or both?
– What would you describe as your strengths and weaknesses? o Where are you most effective and/or least effective?
– What is your take-away from this exercise? How does it help your development, or understanding of when you are likely to be most effective as a leader?