Using all the design concepts you have learned up to this point, create a flyer (8.5 x 11 inches) in InDesign or Illustrator (only for this assignment). The goal of this flyer is to promote an event.
Remember that it must be clear to the reader/audience:
· who is advertising (who is organizing this event)
· who is invited to this event (who is the audience)
· what this event is about (for example career fair, health fair, music festival, live band, etc..)
· and don't forget to mention the date, time, and location.
**When designing your flyer, remember what you learned about repetition, alignment, flow, balance, and contrast. Your flyer must reflect these design concepts.**
You are free to create a flyer about any product/company/issue you’ve already been working on or choose a real event happening in the community, or make something up for this assignment.
For the mechanical part (your ability to manipulate the InDesign or illustrator tools you've learned), you have to set up the grid, margins, bleed marks, and the bleeds (if applicable).
Then on a separate Word doc , identify/discuss in your design
· Contrast
· Balance
· Alignment
· Repetition
· Flow
Be sure to export your flyer as a .pdf. Please submit both the PDF and InDesign files, as well as your Word document.
Student examples:
Setting up your document and gathering images
Links to an external site.
Helping student fix mechanical in Illustrator
Links to an external site.
Helping student understand hierarchy and composition
Links to an external site.