
Using Public Health Data to Meet Community Needs Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 8.Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources forhelpful writing information.CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED

Establish priorities forquality performanceimprovement.15%

Does not developpriorities for qualityperformanceimprovement.

Develops priorities forquality performanceimprovement, but does notestablish a foundation orreasoning for selecting thepriorities.

Establishes priorities forquality performanceimprovement.

Establishes priorities for qualityperformance improvement andidentifies assumptions underlyingthe proposed priorities.

Identify criteria forpriority assessmentusing current bestpractices, such as usingdata available from pastperformance to assessgaps; involvingstakeholders for input; etcetera.15%

Does not identifycriteria for priorityassessment.

Identifies criteria forpriority assessment, butdoes not use current bestpractices, such as usingdata available from pastperformance to assessgaps; involvingstakeholders for input; etcetera.

Identifies criteria forpriority assessment usingcurrent best practices,such as using dataavailable from pastperformance to assessgaps; involvingstakeholders for input; etcetera.

Identifies criteria for priorityassessment using current bestpractices, such as using dataavailable from past performanceto assess gaps; involvingstakeholders for input; et cetera,and evaluates theappropriateness of the criteria forpriority assessment.

Analyze current bestpractices for leadership,team development, andconflict resolutionrelated to qualityimprovement teams.15%

Does not identifycurrent best practicesfor leadership, teamdevelopment, andconflict resolutionrelated to qualityimprovement teams.

Identifies current bestpractices for leadership,team development, andconflict resolution relatedto quality improvementteams, but does notanalyze the current bestpractices.

Analyzes current bestpractices for leadership,team development, andconflict resolution relatedto quality improvementteams.

Analyzes current best practicesfor leadership, teamdevelopment, and conflictresolution related to qualityimprovement teams, andidentifies assumptions on whichthe analysis is based.

Identify behaviors thatsupport qualityperformanceimprovement.15%

Does not identifybehaviors that supportquality performanceimprovement.

Identifies behaviors, butnot all behaviors identifiedsupport qualityperformanceimprovement.

Identifies behaviors thatsupport qualityperformanceimprovement.

Identifies behaviors that supportquality performanceimprovement, and suggestscriteria that could be used toevaluate the appropriateness ofthe identified behaviors.

Develop a plan totransform data intouseful information thataids with qualityimprovement andprocess improvement.15%

Does not develop aplan to transform datainto useful informationthat aids with qualityimprovement andprocess improvement.

Develops a plan, but doesnot explain how it willtransform data into usefulinformation that aids withquality improvement andprocess improvement.

Develops a plan totransform data into usefulinformation that aids withquality improvement andprocess improvement.

Develops a plan to transformdata into useful information thataids with quality improvementand process improvement, anduses professionally validatedcriteria to evaluate theappropriateness of the plan.

Develop strategies thatenable others to achievegoals and objectives insupport of qualityperformanceimprovement.15%

Does not developstrategies that enableothers to achievegoals and objectives insupport of qualityperformanceimprovement.

Develops strategies, butfails to document how theywill enable others toachieve goals andobjectives in support ofquality performanceimprovement.

Develops strategies thatenable others to achievegoals and objectives insupport of qualityperformanceimprovement.

Develops strategies that enableothers to achieve goals andobjectives in support of qualityperformance improvement, andproposes criteria for evaluatingthe strategies.

Write content clearly andlogically, with correct useof grammar, punctuation,and mechanics.5%

Does not write contentclearly or logically, orwith correct use ofgrammar, punctuation,and mechanics.

Writes content with errorsin clarity, logic, grammar,punctuation, ormechanics.

Writes content clearly andlogically, with correct useof grammar, punctuation,and mechanics.

Writes content clearly andlogically, with correct use ofgrammar, punctuation, andmechanics, and uses relevantevidence to support a centralidea.

Correctly format paper,citations, and referencesusing APA style.5%

Does not format paper,citations, andreferences using APAstyle.

Formats paper, citations,and references using APAstyle but with errors.

Correctly formats paper,citations, and referencesusing APA style. Citationscontain a few errors.

Correctly formats paper, citations,and references using APA style.Citations are free from all errors.

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