Needs Assessment Activity Template
Need Assessments determine extent to which an issue exists within their work setting
1. State Issue / Need and Audience:
2. Establish the Planning Team and their roles:
Indicate the members of the Needs Assessment Planning team and their responsibilities
3. Establish Goals and Objectives for Needs Assessment:
Indicate the information that you want the needs assessment to determine (state main goals)
4. Characterize the Audience:
Indicate population impacted by the issue (be very specific—Needs Assessments should focus on ONE grade level)
5. Conduct a Literature Search:
Cite ONE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL (APA style) that address the issue and the evidence based practice that has been implemented to mitigate the issue
6. Select Data Collection Methods
Indicate the instrument (survey / questionnaire) that you will use to collect data
7. Determine the Sampling Scheme
Indicate that you will be using a random sample of ‘X’ number of students / clients and will generalize findings to a larger population
8. Design and Pilot the Collection Instrument
Develop a hypothetical instrument using Likert Scale questions. Develop THREE questions that you would include in your hypothetical survey, as well as how you would pilot the instrument. Your instrument should be composed of questions that will help you to determine the severity of the need.
On a scale from one to five (1 belng low and 5 being high) rate the following:
Rate the degree to which
Rate the degree to which
Rate the degree to which
9. Analyze Data *
Indicate how the planning team will analyze data once data is obtained (Tally and Interpret—if you use Qualtrics data is automatically analyzed)
10. Manage Data *
Indicate how the planning team will manage data (Excel Spreadsheets)
12. Synthesize Data and Create Report * Indicate hypothetical survey findings (the higher the %, the more problematic the ‘need’ is) and create a brief report of your findings