

Respond to your classmates’ postings by asking probing questions to

your peers in the responses about the major challenges and solutions

proposed. A minimum of 200 words


Yes, there is a health crisis in the United States and the healthcare system in the United States cost a lot and this is also related to the new technologies that are within the system and has affected the service delivery for the providers whereas they are having difficulty maintaining keeping abreast of the cost it will have on the care of the public and this could have grave consequences in regards to the service one receives and the type of care, {Madara, 2020}.

The cost of healthcare has negative effects on the delivery of human services being that it increases and becomes very hard keeping up with what type of service is available especially when there is not a lot of funds available and this also has an affect on the human service providers being the funds decrease and then they are unable to hire qualified people to help those who are often doing more than they can and that is a contributing factor within the system, {CNN Health, 2023}.

There are many challenges the leaders face within the organization such as they must be sure the providers have adequate resources for the care of the people and how to manage the amount of money especially when they are using technology to seek out good services and making sure they are getting paid for there services. Leaders are face with reducing there cost within the administrative side and also keeping the company financially viable, {Service Express, 2016}.

Leaders are also face with the rising healthcare cost on the delivery cost on the service. This is to make sure that everything is not compromised due to budget constraints. The leaders have many responsibilities such as keeping abreast with changes in technology and the service the providers give in regards to quality of care.

The health care is facing a crisis right now being that many Americans are being dropped due to the cost of healthcare and have {public} to find healthcare they can afford and this is only detrimental to those who don't have coverage to get adequate and good service. For three years Medicaid couldn't drop people due to Covid-19 and since the pandemic is over roughly 90 million beneficiary and those who are eligible will keep their service and those who after a review will not have coverage and mainly this is due

to administrative problems, like missing their renewable notification in the mail or anything that within the perimeter of renewing their service, {NPR, 2023}.


AMA, https://www.ama-assn.org/about/leadership/america-s-health-care-crisis-much-deeper-covid-19Links to an external site. CNN Health, https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/16/health-care-worker-shortage/index.htmlLinks to an external site. NPR, https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/24/1177973604/in-some-states-hundreds-of-thousandsLinks to an external site. Service Express, https://serviceexpress.com/resources/3-budget-challenges-it-leadersLinks to an external site. Respond to your classmates’ postings by asking probing questions to

your peers in the responses about the major challenges and solutions

proposed. A minimum of 200 words.


“The cost of healthcare is devastating families across the country and destroying the federal budget”(Bloom et al., 2001) and this is a huge problem for millions of Americans and its no secret that the government is doing nothing to change this as we know Obama created Obamacare it was supposedly to lower healthcare costs but that didn't happen, there her comes trump who stated that he would tackle the problem and that never happened and now here comes Biden who also promises to lower healthcare costs but again that hasn't happened yet either.

Did you know that companies and organizations get rewards not if you are healthy but when you stay sick? so They make you come back after visits and then there are more visits and while you are sick, they are rewarded.

There are all types of problems when you mention the high costs of healthcare, there are things like hidden costs, no transparency on pricing, and chronic care not being properly managed correctly then there is the problem that 30 million Americans are uninsured, and they are falling short in basic well care.

In my opinion, it's a major issue when people’s can't afford to go see a doctor main reasons why the emergency room stays so filled, people do not have a PCP so they rely on the hospitals for small things like colds, flu, viruses, and other minor health problems not to mention the high cost of healthcare or insurance can lead to financial insecurities


Bloom, B. S., Bruno, D. J., Maman, D., & Jayadevappa, R. (2001). Usefulness of US Cost-of-Illness Studies in Healthcare Decision Making. PharmacoEconomics, 19(2), 207–213. https://doi.org/10.2165/00019053-200119020-00007

Respond to your classmates’ postings by asking probing questions to

your peers in the responses about the major challenges and solutions

proposed. A minimum of 200 words.


I do believe that there is a healthcare crisis in the United States. So many people cannot afford health insurance, therefore do not seek treatment. Those that can afford health insurance experience extremely high deductibles and high plan costs. On the other hand, individuals that are unable to pay for private plans receive Medicaid, which greatly limits the level of care you can receive. I see this all the time in my current job. Consumers need more extensive treatment or residential treatment services, but because they have Medicaid they do not qualify for those services.

I fully understand that technological advances also increase financial responsibilities. However, if a family is already struggling to make ends meet and has a mental health emergency, they are not able to pay huge out of pocket expenses. On the flip side of that, those that pay a large monthly premium usually cannot afford to pay a large out of pocket expense. It is almost a catch 22 when it comes to choosing which health insurance works best for your family and your budget.

The United States per capita health care costs are the highest in the world, and continually escalating. Approximately 18% of Americans are uninsured. Considering the population of the United States, that is very large overall percentage. Those that receive Medicare typically must also pay for supplementary insurance to cover prescription and other costs not covered by Medicare. Then you add in inflation and most Americans are piling in the healthcare debt on top of the struggles they are already facing financially.

It seems that hard times are here to stay for a while in my opinion. This is demoralizing for many Americans young and old. The idea of getting ahead and not living paycheck to paycheck is mostly a dream at this point. Things can be repaired, and health insurance can be affordable, but it will take many different entities working together to remedy the mess we are currently in. It is sad to see families in my profession needing mental health assistance that are unable to obtain it due to lack of financial resources. I am not in politics and am thankful for that, but seeing where some of our government funds go, surely, we could help those in need of health insurance, or mental health services.

Question? What can we as mental health professionals do to help alleviate this financial burden on our patients? I know there are resources out there, but there should be more of a blanket policy for mental health services.


Hoffman, C. (2008). Health insurance and access to health care in the United States.

Karger, H. J. & Stoesz , D. (2018). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

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