course review

 This assignment is worth 40 points. The written communication grading rubric is available online on the
course site.
To complete this assignment, consider the books you have read and reviewed for this course. Explain how
they are different, how they are alike, do they overlap, and how they support or refute what you previously
knew about the topics covered. If you are studying abroad, how has what you read reinforce or contradict
what you have seen? Is there anything you would like to have understood better or learned more about?
This review should be a minimum of 5 pages, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, double spaced with
page numbers at the bottom. A cover page is not required, so please be sure to include your last name in the
header for each page. Please review the 20 Common Writing Errors sheet to avoid losing points for
grammatical mistakes. 

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