Create two creative slides using graphic diagrams to explain 1.) DEFINITION OF HOSPICE CARE:
Definition of hospice care. How it differs from other forms of healthcare. A lateral type diaphragm can be used for this slide.
And 2.) HOSPICE CARE SERVICES: Services provided by hospice care.
• Examples of services provided, such as pain management, emotional and spiritual support, and counseling. A tree type diagram can be used for this slide.
Please see the attachments for examples of a lateral and tree style diagram (must create own).
Please be sure to include visuals in the assignment where appropriate. Visually creative is required score on grade.
After creating the diagrams for each slide, write a verbatim informative speech explaining the definition of hospice care and hospice care services – the
speech should correlate with or explain the PowerPoint presentation. The speech will be read verbatim to an audience so please insure that that is flows
smoothly while explaining the two PowerPoint slides.
Resources must be no more than 5 years old and must be peer reviewed and United States based sources only.





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