Step 1. Design a case study to support a selected topic in your field.
• Set the stage for learning about the topic.
• Establish a “big problem scenario.”
• Read examples of case studies available from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, from: http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.eduLinks to an external site.
• Additional ideas available – Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching, from: to an external site.
• Additional ideals available – Carnegie Mellon University, from: to an external site.
Step 2. Identify the outcomes.
• Using standards and curriculum objectives, determine 3-5 outcomes, including one for content, one for a specific reading skill, and one for thinking.
Step 3. Design activities.
• Using the case study as the focus, design 3-5 activities to engage students in active learning. One should have assessment possibilities. For example: Learners scan the case study to identify unique nouns. Place the nouns into groups because they are alike in some way. Label the group.