

Creation and Implementation of an Effective Recruiting and Retention Program Annotated Bibliography


HRMT605: Strategic Human Resource Management Practices


Amagai, S., Pila, S., Kaat, A. J., Nowinski, C. J., & Gershon, R. C. (2022). Challenges in participant engagement and retention using mobile health apps: literature review.  Journal of medical Internet research24(4), e35120.

The authors start by recognizing that mobile applications are transforming the way researchers and clinicians manage and control healthcare participants. However, the authors also identify that research on the efficiency health applications is limited due to the high number of nurses quitting their jobs. Therefore, the researchers stress that it is important for researchers to gain a detailed understanding on the aspects that would facilitate understanding how mobile applications can be used to provide customized healthcare. The results disclose that the majority of the studies the authors analyzed stressed the importance of uphold professional engagement in the healthcare sector. Also, their study found that the research methods used included use of appropriate reminders, feedback and in-support from peers. Also, Amagai et al;, (2022) identify the obstructing factors to include absence of support features, technological breakdowns and usefulness of the applications.

Brook, J., Aitken, L., Webb, R., MacLaren, J., & Salmon, D. (2019). Characteristics of successful interventions to reduce turnover and increase retention of early career nurses: A systematic review.  International journal of nursing studies91, 47-59.

The authors start by recognizing that nurses’ shortages are becoming an area of concern in healthcare sectors globally. Although the interventions put forward strive to boost the nursing practitioner’s volume, the role is still suffering from high turnover especially during the nurse’s first year of employment, the authors identify that this poses significant barrier for the healthcare sector to be able to build a sturdy nursing workforce. In their study, the authors are aiming at assessing the different attributes of a successful intervention programs to strengthen retention and decrease retention of the nurses. The authors are using systematic review to reflect on this issue. The results of the study pinpoint that healthcare facilities must assess their existing interventions against a standard criterion to guide creation of effectiveness. Also, the enterprises should evaluate the cost-effectiveness to help them maximize on their return on investment.

Gonzaga, A. M. R., Appiah-Pippim, J., Onumah, C. M., & Yialamas, M. A. (2020). A framework for inclusive graduate medical education recruitment strategies: meeting the ACGME standard for a diverse and inclusive workforce.  Academic Medicine95(5), 710-716.

This study is striving to assist the healthcare sector in addressing disparities pertaining to staff recruitment and encourage superior and culturally sensitive care across the United States. The authors strive to improve employee training and patient outcomes for diverse care teams. However, the authors highlight that the healthcare sector should prioritize on providing the employees with graduate medical education diversity and inclusion efforts to avoid challenges of unidimensional diversity initiatives which can result to failure. The authors denote that there is minimal literature concerning actionable steps to encourage diversity in training and to resolve this issue, the authors have used a five-step framework which start with powerful organizational support by prioritizing on diversity.

Holmes, B., Parker, D., & Gibson, J. (2019). Rethinking teacher retention in hard-to-staff schools.

The authors aim to provide insights to resolve the problem of teacher retention through management effectiveness and involvement and the teachers’ intrinsic motivations. The authors found sound evidence highlighting that structurally framing the learning environment, school district demands integrating teacher opinion and student behavior would provide teachers with the support system they are needing to stay committed to them in the long run.

Itam, U., Misra, S., & Anjum, H. (2020). HRD indicators and branding practices: A viewpoint on the employer brand building process.  European Journal of Training and Development44(6/7), 675-694.

The authors perform their study with the goal of exploring the concept of employer branding which has attracted attention of practitioners and academicians in the past decade. However, the authors pinpoint that the motion did not start accordingly as many employer brand managers were hardly made aware and thus the authors aim to demonstrate the opinions of HR manager on employer branding activities and its implementation. The authors have used three multinational organizations in India who took part in semi-structured interview to provide data for content analysis. The authors findings reveal that using branding theories and HRD practices will develop the most suitable and employer brand building process. the process will involve both existing and potential employees. however, the managers pinpointed the need for additional research and theory establishment during the process of employment branding.

Pratap, A., Neto, E. C., Snyder, P., Stepnowsky, C., Elhadad, N., Grant, D., … & Omberg, L. (2020). Indicators of retention in remote digital health studies: a cross-study evaluation of 100,000 participants.  NPJ digital medicine3(1), 21.

According to Pratap et al., (2020), digital technologies including smartphones are changing the way scientists perform biomedical research. However, the authors pinpoint that the process of performing research remotely has come with its limitations including participants’ attrition which is calling for representatives of the gathered data including results generalizability. The authors have thus provided detailed analysis on matters pertaining to retention and recruitment. The authors used research studies performed between 2014 and 2019 and the outcomes revealed that integrating technology will help in informing the recruitment and retention to guarantee seamless biomedical researchers.

Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. L., González-Torres, T., Montero-Navarro, A., & Gallego-Losada, R. (2020). Investing time and resources for work–life balance: The effect on talent retention.  International journal of environmental research and public health17(6), 1920.

The authors start their study by recognizing that the field of work-life balance is characterized by rapid changes due to transformations in society and the rising need of HR managers for organizations. The authors identify that the current human capital is an important aspect for corporations given that the human capital adopted by a company represents an important success factor for the organization to remain competitive. For effective management of the human resources, the authors recommend that organizations must develop and implement HR management strategies that aim at attracting and retaining talented employees in order to achieve the set objectives. To showcase this, the authors have used an integrated model of life-work strategies including the impacts of practices and policies on HR retention.

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