Week 7 Lecture
Information Seeking
Sense Making & Decision Making
Information is resolution of uncertainty.
When you ask a question you have a need. When you receive an answer you need to process the message and make sense of it. Apply it to the context of your need and see if it meets your need or if it falls short. If it has not satisfied your need, there is a gap.Many believe that communication itself exists to reduce uncertainty. It is the uncertainty that creates the need, the need drives the question, information seeking searches for the answer and the seeker must go through a decision making process to determine if the need has been met or if there is a gap remaining. They then need to decide, if they need to search for further information, where to search for it, is the information reliable, etc.
Information Overload and Ignorance
All of these decisions and information choices along with increased needs for self reliance of information for decision making purposes, is overwhelming. This can lead the individual to stop seeking information, not challenge the authenticity of the information received or to simply give up.Others may find it easier to ignore the facts of their medical situation. It allows them to cope better to NOT know the true nature of their illness amongst other factors.
Information Seeking Behavior, Top 8 Facts
Information seeking behavior, information models, and information seeking theories and sense making
Wrap Up
Understanding that uncertainty, information gaps, information ignorance and restrictions to access have a big impact on the outcomes of information seeking. There is a vast body of knowledge and research that is present and growing for those who wish to learn more.