
5/15/23, 2:38 PM Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric.html Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric.html 1/2


Now that we have discussed the importance of using credible secondary sources for your project, let us start annota�ng! Do not worry—we are going to walk through the process one

step at a �me. In this sec�on, we will first focus on finding sources. Then we will help you summarize those sources, evaluate their credibility, and explain how they will help support

your argument. If you found a source that passed the C.R.A.A.P.O. test earlier in this module, feel free to use that source. If you decided to alter your keywords and you would like to

start your research from scratch, restar�ng is totally fine too!


In this ac�vity, you will create an annotated bibliography by addressing the steps below and answering the prompts as thoroughly as possible. The prompts will help you to engage in a

conversa�on with your sources. You will need to follow the steps below three �mes (for your three different sources).

Before you begin, make certain you have:

Selected three sources from the library database

At least one source that presents an opposing viewpoint, a posi�on that an opponent of your argument might make

Applied the C.R.A.A.P.O. test to the sources to determine if they are credible and reliable (Remember, credible sources should score 35 points or more on the test)

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria for each of your three sources:

1. Iden�fy the source by including the author, the �tle, and the database informa�on.

2. Summarize the source. (Explain the main idea, the details or evidence that support the main idea, and the descrip�on of if your source supports your argument or an opposing


3. Explain why the source is credible. The C.R.A.A.P.O. test will help; use the C.R.A.A.P.O. Test Worksheet linked in the Suppor�ng Materials Sec�on to see how the source scores.

4. Explain how the source supports at least one key point or opposing viewpoint from your argument.

Guidelines for Submission

Your assignment must be wri�en in MLA or APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Suppor�ng Materials

To support your work on the project, use the following resources:

CQ Researcher – SAGE

Academic Search Ul�mate

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

C.R.A.A.P.O. Test Worksheet

Other relevant library databases

Your Brainstorming Ideas ac�vity

Module Three Assignment Rubric

Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


5/15/23, 2:38 PM Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric.html Three Assignment Guidelines and Rubric.html 2/2

Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Sources Clearly iden�fies sources including theauthor, the �tle, and the databaseinforma�on

Shows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include appropriateuse of the indicated databases to iden�fysources

Does not a�empt criterion 15

Summarize Clearly summarizes sources that addressthe argument and the opposingviewpoint

Shows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include ensuring thatat least one source addresses anopposing viewpoint

Does not a�empt criterion 25

Credibility Explains the credibility of the sources Shows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include providing moresuppor�ng evidence

Does not a�empt criterion 25

Relevance Explains each source’s relevance to thekey points and the opposing viewpoint

Shows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include providing moresuppor�ng evidence

Does not a�empt criterion 25

Ar�cula�on of Response Clearly conveys meaning withgramma�cal choices, sentence structure,and spelling, demonstra�ng anunderstanding of audience and purpose

Shows progress toward proficiency, butwith inconsistencies in gramma�calconven�ons, sentence structure, andspelling, nega�vely impac�ng readability

The submission has cri�calinconsistencies in gramma�calconven�ons, sentence structure, andspelling, preven�ng understanding ofideas


Total: 100%

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