Reciprocal learning processes

Reading and writing are reciprocal learning processes. Using these skills interchangeably in a classroom promotes language development.
Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” create a literacy lesson plan that demonstrates the reciprocity between reading and writing. Base the lesson upon one reading and one writing ELA standard from your state, and the students in your field experience classroom.
In the Summary section of your lesson plan, briefly explain why it is important to teach explicit literacy skills and how you will connect and extend these learning progressions in the home.
In the Differentiation section, identify specific researched-based support strategies for one student with exceptionalities and tie the strategy to the lesson. For example, if students are learning how to write the letter T, provide a dotted letter T for students who struggle with writing, or provide a pencil grip for students struggling to hold a pencil. As an example, use students from your field experience classroom who are receiving special education services. (Please do not use children’s real names to protect confidentiality.) For clarification, explain the delay or disability on the lesson plan.



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