Community Corrections


1. This exam has two parts, you must answer the questions in parts I and II
2. The Exam Due Date is May 7th by 5pm. No late exams will be accepted.
You Must include your name on each page of your exam.
Please answer the following question in full detail. Take into consideration all the information presented during class, our textbook, lectures, Power Points,
Commentaries, The Innocence Project website and any other legitimate source. Here is your task:
Part I. Multiple Choice and True or False.
Note there is only one correct answer for each question. Each Question is worth 10 points for a total of 50 possible points. Select the best possible answer.
1. What is the best definition of an INTERMEDIATE SANCTION?
a. A range of sentencing options that falls between incarceration and probation with the intended outcome of the case being the primary consideration.
b. Organizations and programs that have the inherent ability to adapt and change improving performances through continual revisions of goals, objectives,
policies and procedures.
c. Suggests that traditional sanctions typically generates theories and solutions best suited for male offenders with little regard for female offenders.
d. The process of determining the appropriateness of a specific offender for a specific program.
2. All of the below options are or can be part of an intermediate sanction with the exception of which one?
a. Work Release Program d. Halfway House
b. Capital Punishment e. Probation
c. Fines and Restitution f. Parole
3. Cultural Blindness is best described as:
a. A point where organizations and personnel lack the basic ability to aid diverse communities due to inherent beliefs that their own racial or ethnic group is
superior or more entitled than other groups.
b. Where agency personnel tend to operate as if race or culture makes no difference, and all people are the same.
c. Where individual practitioners operate in a manner that is culturally sensitive and, on occasion, centers on aspects of competency.
d. When individuals view cultural differences as a problem and participate in activities that purposely attempts to destroy culture.
4. Which of the following statements is true. Note: there is only one true statement.
a. Most mentally ill people do not commit crimes
b. A thorough Pre-Sentence Report is not a valuable assessment tool for Community Corrections Programs.
c. Fines and Restitution are both basically the same thing
d. Judges are responsible for creating the Pre-Sentence Report.
5. Intermediate Sanctions gives judges no flexibility in crafting individual sentences:
PART II ESSAY QUESTIONS: (25 points each)
Instructions: Listed below you will find two (2) essay questions. Answer each question thoroughly and completely. A good answer will include sources and
will answer every part of the question as presented. It is my expectation that each answer will be at least one page in length (double spaced).
1. Compare the needs problems and concerns of the Geriatric offender and the Sex Offender, how are they similar? How are they dissimilar? What is unique about each of these two offender typologies?
2. When creating a Community Corrections Program, what are some of the main considerations for the program creator? What special considerations should be made for programs that will serve the mentally ill, Drug offenders, Sex offenders, females, and minorities?



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