Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

  1. What happens during the funeral for Ezeulu? What punishment does Okonkwo get for the incident? Why does a group of men sets fire to Oknokwo’s huts, kill animals, and destroy his barn? Obierika thinks, “Why should a man suffer so grievously for an offense he had committed inadvertently?” (959). What do you make of Obierika’s view of the punishment against Okonkwo? Does Obierika question the clan’s custom? Why do Okonkwo and his family move to Mbanta, and why is he no longer enthusiastic about his work in Mbanta? Who is Uchendu and why does he call Okonkwo “a child”? What do you make of Okonkwo’s attitude in Mbanta?
  2. Visiting Okonkwo in exile, Obierika tells Okonkwo about what happened to Abame. What happened to the people in Abame and why does Okonkwo say, “They were fools. . . .They had been warned that danger was ahead. They should have armed themselves with their guns and the machetes even when they went to market” (964). What do you make of Okonkwo’s reaction here? Were the people of Abame foolish? What does Obierika think of the arrival of the colonizers? What worries him [Obierika] about the influence of the colonizers, based on what he has heard about white men?
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