Consider the relevance (or lack of relevance) of archetypes on culture a bit more; so, to do this first review the 12 Jungian Archetypes again and then discuss the following ideas:
Are patterns valuable to society? Why or why not?
Which one of the 12 Jungian archetypes/character patterns do you find the most interesting? Why?
Review three characters from any three different sources of your choice (for example, games, movies, stories, myths, manga, etc.) that seem to be an example of this archetype; what actions, examples, or ideas show them to fit this archetype? How are they each similar to one another? Are there any notable differences between them? What are some examples for your ideas?
Consider the real world for a minute and decide who might best fit this archetype that you know? For example, it may be a celebrity, a family member, a friend, an employer, etc. Why do they fit this archetype? What examples show this?
Based on your discussion, what relevance do archetypes hold for you? In other words, do they help you think about anything or understand anything better about these characters/people? Why or why not? In other words, are archetypes part of how we understand humanity, or are they simply copied (and exhausted) patterns that are too simplistic or too general? Why?