Current behavior therapy

a. An increasing emphasis in current behavior therapy is on teaching clients self-control procedures and self-management skills. The assumption is that
learning coping skills can increase the range of self-directed behavior. What are the possibilities of behavior therapy as you see them, for enhancing a client’s
choosing, planning, and self-direction?
b. The text deals with five common criticisms and misconceptions regarding behavior therapy. What are your criticisms, if any, of behavior therapy?
a) Control theory is based on the premise that although outside events influence us, we are not determined by them. To what degree do you agree with the
assumption that our actions, thoughts, and emotions, are the product of our choices? What are the implications for counseling practice of the way you
answer this question.
b) Although reality therapists do not ignore dealing with feelings, they certainly do no encourage clients to focus on feelings as if they were separate from
actions and thoughts. What is your reaction to this tactic.

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