Theory Area 2: Developmental Theory: Super
Describe the development of your vocational self-concept
What are 3 major roles that you play and how have these roles shaped your self-concept (remember that roles are developed in context e.g., family,
community, and the world)
Explain how EACH OF THE FOLLOWING, the economy, society, the labor market, community, school, your family and your peer group influenced your career
choice. Each of these has a bearing on your career choice however minimal – the only wrong answer is to leave one of these influences out of your answer or
say that there is no influence.
What Super developmental stage are you currently navigating? Name the stage (and developmental task, if appropriate) and provide evidence
Determine whether you think that you are career mature according to Super. Examine each of the 5 behaviors/attitudes defining Super’s career maturity and
discuss how you do or do not exhibit/practice these concepts. Use behavioral examples.