Respond to each of the following and use the Internet to provide a current event or other real-world examples of the concept.
Research the argument that the USA is actually an oligarchy of sorts (majority of power in the hands of a small minority of wealthy and/or politically influential) despite claims to be a democracy. Can you identify oligarchs in the U.S.? What influence do they have? What legal attempts have been made to decrease the influence of the wealthy?
Does everyone have a voice in the U.S.? Have the voices of minorities and those living in economic poverty been lost or denied in U.S. politics?
Do legal attempts to decrease the political influence of the wealthy undermine the rights of the wealthy? Is it fair to limit their political voices too? What are your thoughts? Be sure to provide the link where you found most of your research on this topic.
Research the current wage gap (male v. female) in the US. What are the causes of the wage gap? Is it improving? What can be done to continue closing the gap?
Be sure to give enough detail that your understanding of the concept is apparent and include the URL address of your research.