Title IX issues



Focus on a policy area of particular relevance to women (Title IX issues). This will entail researching the current status of this policy from various perspectives, including: how the states and federal government handle this issue, where different political parties and interest groups stand, how active women’s organizations are on this issue, as well as offering suggestions for how this policy should be shaped moving forward. If I approve, you may add a comparative aspect to the paper and compare U.S. policy to another nation(s), but the main focus of the paper must be a U.S. policy of importance to women.
• What is the importance of the chosen policy issue to women/women’s lives?
• What are the current controversies regarding this policy?
• What are the relevant federal or state laws, and/or court cases of importance?
• Who are the proponents of change, and what interests do they represent?
• Who are the opponents, and who do they represent?
• How should this policy be addressed moving forward?


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