Class, Millennials were born from 1980-1996, (PEW Research, there is some variance here depending on the source). They are the largest cohort in today’s workforce. They have very specific and different characteristics as the older generations and older Millennials are different than younger ones. Older Millennials are mostly in the family stage of life, while younger ones are still mostly single. Ask a Millennial couple who just had their first child and they will tell you, for the most part, they had to get a new set of friends. Younger Millennials are more like Gen Z. This generation is important because they are entering into their higher earning years and have disposable income to spend. However, not all of them are comfortable with how data is being gathered about them and how it is being used in Marketing. please watch this video and write a one page single lined paper describing the three most impactful points the speaker makes.