How the need for control over foreign operations varies with firms’ strategies and core competencies

Chapter 13: Discuss how the need for control over foreign operations varies with firms’ strategies and core competencies. What are the implications for the choice of entry mode?

Chapter 14: An alternative to using a letter of credit is export credit insurance. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using export credit insurance rather than a letter of credit for exporting (a) a luxury yacht from California to Canada and (b) machine tools from New York to Ukraine?

Chapter 15: An electronics firm is considering how best to supply the world market for microprocessors used in consumer and industrial electronic products. A manufacturing plant costs approximately $500 million to construct and requires a highly skilled workforce. The total value of the world market for this product over the next 10 years is estimated to be between $10 and $15 billion. The tariffs prevailing in this industry are currently low. Should the firm adopt a concentrated or decentralized manufacturing strategy? What kind of location(s) should the firm favor for its plant(s)?

Chapter 16: Price discrimination is indistinguishable from dumping. Discuss the accuracy of this statement.

Chapter 17: What is the link between an international business’s strategy and its human resource management policies, particularly with regard to the use of expatriate employees and their pay scale?

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