Theoretical model

Select and revise one research question. Outline your proposed innovative intervention (individual or community oriented) and a theoretical model that supports it. How will answering your research question contribute to the midwifery model of care? What theoretical model supports your proposed intervention? Create your own conceptual model that depicts how your intervention works. How does your research question address health disparities, social justice, person-centered care, and cultural humility? (2-3 pages)

  1. Research question including PICO elements

(This is my research question, “What situations or conditions can increase the chance of male continued perpetration of physical violence against their intimate partners?”)

Fleming, P. J., McCleary-Sills, J., Morton, M., Levtov, R., Heilman, B. & Barker, G. (2015). Risk factors for men’s lifetime perpetration of physical violence against intimate partners: results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in eight countries. PLoS one, 14(10), e0223695. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118639

  1. Outline proposed innovative intervention (individual or community oriented). Choose a theory that support your intervention and explain why it supports the intervention.

(Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, Mercer’s Becoming a Mother, or Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory)

  1. History of theory(who developed, what was the intention, concepts/constructs within the theory, etc.)
  2. Contribution of research question to midwifery model of care
  3. Discussion of how research question addresses health disparities, social justice, person-centered care, and cultural humility.
  4. Present your own conceptual model that depicts how your intervention works. Include visual representation and brief narrative.
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