Safety-critical systems are one of the software types that raise many legal and ethical issues. You can touch its benefits everywhere but .the consequences of malfunctions are disastrous Write a report titled “Risks and liabilities of safety-critical systems” and cover the following topics:
What is a safety-critical system? What does it consist of?
Safety-critical systems are everywhere in our lives, mention eight different examples for safety-critical systems from different areas and specify each for each application the
area it belongs to.
Discuss four distinguishable features of safety critical systems.
Discuss four reliability regimes/factors for safety-critical systems.
Discuss four challenges in developing safety-critical systems that are not usual in
developing traditional systems.
Discuss five errors that may lead to system failure in the safety-critical systems.
Explain one real example about a safety-critical system failure and explain the reasons
of the failure and its consequences, and what should have been done to avoid such