Go to this link on YouTube and watching this video and answer to this questions here is the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyKjtGD-_zY
Questions :
What comes up for you in terms of the concepts of intrinsic/extrinsic motivation? Discuss in relation to Turia’s experience.
Discuss your comprehension on Locus of control. What would you say is Turia’s type of perceived locus of control?
What part does Gratitude play in term of her healing?
List and discuss one(1) lesson you learned from Turia?
List and discuss three research based ways we can be happier?
Second: Susan Cain TED talk
What is your understanding of introversion and extraversion traits? Provide behavioral examples
Detailed your walk away lesson learned on Susan Cain TED talk (video under week 11 module tab).
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Provide examples of your behavioral traits.
What personality characteristics do you believe is more valuable or more desirable: extraversion or introversion? Discuss your points with behavioral examples.
Third: what is your personality type in relation to coping with life stressors?
Discus your coping style(s).
Discuss one pro and one con of your coping style(s).
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Discuss with behavioral examples.
Discuss one pro and one con of this trait.
What is your explanatory style? Provide behavioral examples.
Discuss two pros and two cons of your explanatory style, with behavioral examples.
What are predictors of happiness, and how we can be happier?