Review “California Preschool Early Learning Foundations”: Early Math-read 143-147 & Review math charts pages 148-159. Five developmental math strands:
1 Number Sense
2 Algebra and Functions (Classification and Patterning)
3 Measurement
4 Geometry
5 Mathematical Reasoning
Video: Building Stairs with Blocks.
As you view this video reflect on the intentional teaching strategies this teacher uses to build on this child’s understanding of early math concepts and
identify the math strand/s being supported through this experience.
After watching the video address the following questions (copy and past the question before your response):
- Explain when you see intentional teaching strategies being used to build on the child’s understanding of early math concepts and identify the math strand/s being supported through this experience.
- Identify one or more of the 5 early learning California Early Learning Foundations early learning math strand/s that teacher was supporting and the child was learning. Give examples from the video that support the strand/s you selected.