Often times great information will be provided online. Many law firms offer free, general information online, but remember that you are not receiving legal advice and general information will not protect you from lawsuits or other legal issues. Nevertheless, look at the 50-state chart generated by Matthiesen, Wicker, & Lehrer, S.C., an insurance litigation firm, which outlines general information on provisions you will likely find in exculpatory agreements and liability waivers, as well as state-specific information. This week, look for your home state (or future career’s home state) in the chart. First, has your state enacted a statute pertaining to exculpatory agreements? What drafting guidelines apply in your home state? Are there any public policy concerns you should be aware of? Moreover, look at a couple geographical neighboring states’ laws and policies. Do you see any similarities or differences between your state and nearby sister states? How might differences alter how you draft your exculpatory agreements or liability waivers? And, are there any concerns with what you learned about exculpatory agreements in sports that conflict with what you see from this chart? [You must properly cite your Sharp text and at least one outside resource using APA format, not including constitutional provisions, statutes, ordinances, or other laws, rules, and regulations.]