Read the case study, and answer the following questions.
Case Study
A 19 yr. female patient presents to your student health clinic complaining of a rash and says that she thinks she has the flu or something. She returned 3 weeks ago from a spring break trip to the beach. The rash started out like acne, located on her face, back, and chest. She now thinks she must have caught something during her trip, as she has developed joint pain in addition to the rash. The pain is most notable in her hands, although she has some stiffness and pain in both of her wrists, ankles, and knees.
Perform and document a focused assessment on this patient. Do not forget that your exam has to be done in a systematic way. Think Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, and Auscultation (if indicated).
What three conditions would be considered in your differential diagnosis, with most likely condition listed first (with rationale)?