You have just completed your 1st Unit of FNDS 2010. Write a reflection about whatyou have learned during Unit 1 about Teachers, Students, and Schools. You shouldinclude the following
- Why do you want to become a teacher?
- What is teacher professionalism?
- What is an effective teacher and how do you plan to be an effective teacher?
- How are students similar and different?
- How does culture and language diversity impact your classroom?
- Examples of Multicultural Education – What will you do in your classroom topromote different cultures?
- Students with Exceptionalities – How will each of these students impact yourfuture classroom?a. ELL studentsb. 504 plansc. IDEA and IEP
- How do school venues differ and which school would you like to teach in?
- What is school choice and how does that impact the school, teacher, andstudent?
- Which grade or grades would you like to teach and why?
- What makes a school effective?
Reflection – Writers use reflective writing to analyze and examine anevent, memory, or observation. In reflective writing, the writer reflectson the meaning and impact of the occasion or what they have learned