After completing the weekly readings and learning activities, please take some time to listen to God about your calling. Barton (2018) recommends asking yourself, “What is God saying to me these days about my calling? As I settle into myself more fully, what can I learn about my calling? Is there any place where I am resisting who I am or have lost touch with who I am? Where am I still wrestling with God and needing assurance of his presence with me? Am I willing to say yes again?” (p. 85). Now, write an approximately 3-page essay on your calling.
This essay should include the following elements:
- Describe the subjective elements of your calling. When did you first sense God nudging you in a certain direction? How have you continued to perceive his personal calling in your life?
- Describe the objective elements of your calling. How do your personal strengths, passions, spiritual gifts, etc. align with your subjective sense of calling? Have you received confirmation of this calling from others around you (friends, family, co-workers, ministry leaders)?
- Describe your vision for pursuing this calling for the sake of Kingdom impact. What did you learn from your DISC personality profile in week 4? How does understanding your personality, spiritual gifts, etc. help you know how to work together with others for Kingdom impact?