The lens model exercise


An essay on The Lens Model Exercise. Your essay should define and describe The Lens Model and identify the characteristics that affect your personal “lenses.” Show how your lenses, such as the ones listed below (from a-i or others) affect your vision. This is an essay about you, not a generic essay about an abstract individual. Use “1” in your essay.
Categories include:
a. Family (as a parent, child, sibling, spouse, etc.)
b. Political Party
c. Country
d. Culture (for example, Compare Western culture to others, People shouldn’t be emotional, People should be direct, People should remain objective. Competition is good etc.)
e. Gender
f. Age
g. Socioeconomic status
h. Education
i. Experience
Your essay should also address topics such as: How The Lens Model can help people manage their conflicts, What did you learn, What might you like to do differently? What do you do when you are engaged in a conflict with someone who has entirely different ”lenses” than you do? Lastly. what role do attributions play in The Lens Model of Conflict? How do our attributions for ourselves and others differ?



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