Provide a clear statement as to which issue of Laura’s is being discussed
2. State which intervention model you are discussing (Cognitive behavioral theory)
3. Creator(s) of theory and circumstances surrounding the development.
4. What are the key features of the Cognitive behavioral theory)
This includes the theory behind the model and what the model says about human nature, how problems develop, and how the model is designed to address those problems.
5. Provide an example about how you would apply the model to your case.
6. Give a brief statement about which aspects of the model would be most helpful, and why (or why not). Use the literature to support your statements regarding the strengths and limitations of the theory. Please also include if you would or would not use the theory in practice, and why (or why not).
Addresses competencies 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8.
Key things to remember when writing each of the discussion papers for one of the theories presented in the content modules. These four papers should be:
• 5-6 pages each, with 5 or more references from the literature of the theories as applied to the semester case or approved case.