Food insecurity and impact on management of chronic disease (Ex.: diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia).
A scholarly letter to the editor is a piece of academic writing. A balanced editorial is more likely to be read and appreciated. The purpose of writing a letter to the editor is to bring a professional nursing or client care issue to the attention of the readership of either a public newspaper (e.g., Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, National Post) a professional journal (e.g., Canadian Journal of Nursing Research) or a professional association (e.g., RNAO, CNA).
The letter can be for/against an issue related to healthcare or the healthcare system, or to inform the readership about an issue. Letters to editors are generally found on the editorial page of the publication.
The reasons you may want to bring an issue to the attention of a readership are varied: – you are concerned about an issue and want others to know;
– an issue is important to the profession, and you are compelled to speak out;
– you want others to consider a specific action; – to educate the public; and/or – to influence policymakers.