Publication Great Decisions.


You are given two readings from the publication Great Decisions. The readings for this assignment deal with China and the United States. Your objectives are as follows: A. You will evaluate sources with events or topics of the modern world for this papr. B. You assess 21st Century world events and link them to the past – historically, culturally, economically and politically.

For this position papr, the information you will be reading comes from one author David Lampton. Mr. Lampton wrote about China in two (2) separate periods. you will discuss China and the United States. The articles, which are attached below in PDF are:

“China Looks at the World, The World Looks at China” by David Lampton, 2010.

“China and America” by David Lampton, 2018.


Your esay should be at least four double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12). You will need a cover page and a bibliography. Your papr must be written in a Word Document. You must consult a minimum of two scholarly/academically credible sources from the university library. This means not only are you reading the two articles I have given you, but you will also seek out two scholarly/academic articles to back up your stand on this issue. Your bibliography and citations may be in APA, MLA, or Chicago Style format based upon the formatting used in your degree field.

If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, you must cite the source by using endnotes, footnotes, or parenthetical citations. If you read the information and write it in your own words and it is not common knowledge, you must cite the source because you are paraphrasing someone’s information. Why? This is paraphrasing. You are using someone’s information. This is plagiarism.

So, to rehash one more time, your esay will include the following:

A cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date.
Four to five (4-5) pages of writing.



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