Provide a description of one aspect, issue, or argument within Heidegger’s philosophy of mind.
For example, one of the key themes.
Clearly and fully explain the position of the Heidigger on the mind and what led him to that position. (This could be the result of the philosopher’s metaphysics, epistemology, view of human nature, trying to solve a problem raised by another philosopher, etc.)
Explain what problems this view solves, but also what future problems it might create.
Provide also a contemporary critical perspective on this position.
This can be derived from the secondary sources that you will be using. Explain if the modern philosopher who is writing on the subject sees value or problems with this philosopher’s view. Look especially to see if the modern author derives contemporary or further implications from Heidegger’s view.
Two very basic sources to get you started are the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. They can be found here: