1. Read the following articles and select the 4–6 appropriate criteria to evaluate the HR platforms you will research.
Florentine, S. (2019). What is an HRIS? A key tool for all your human resources needs. CIO.
This is an essential article to describe the kind of platforms that are used and some of the companies who produce them. This resource should be the first thing you read about HR systems because it gives important definitions and background, plus it will steer you in the right direction to start your research for the assessment.
Makkar, U., & Sanjeev, R. (2014). Determining employees perception through effective HRIS: An empirical study. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, 3(3).
This short study is also essential to provide background information about the kind of functionality that an HRIS provides to an organization. This resource helps you to understand the components or criteria that should be part of an HR platform solution so you can research platforms to find one that suits the needs of CapraTek.
Options for HR platforms of this type are available in industry literature and the marketplace.
To, From, Internal Memo: Select HR Platform, Date.
Follow a format similar to a normal paper, including an introduction, conclusion, and the following elements:
Explain the 4–6 criteria you selected to evaluate the tools from one or both articles listed in this assessment.
Evaluate platforms for their capability to meet each employee at their respective stage of life cycle and level of expertise.
Evaluate platforms for their capability to meet the organization’s needs for recruiting; onboarding; tracking, training, and education requirements; and identifying internal career pathways.
Select the most appropriate tool(s) to recommend for adoption by leadership.
Explain your rationale for HR platform selection based on the criteria you selected and how the selected tool meets all of the needs of the individual employees and the organization at CapraTek, especially the scientists.