Veterinary Computer Software

Identify the various types of veterinary software programs that are available.
Explain the use and benefits of veterinary software programs in practice.
Report the pros and cons of different programs.
Categorize and examine the features of various programs.
Evaluate your research to determine which programs may provide the best service in a veterinary practice.
Name the two brands of software that you’ve chosen, and give a brief description of each of them.
Include information about the companies that make the software.
What are some benefits for a practice using a software program?
List office features and functions, as well as pros and cons of each software package—what does each program do, or not do?
How are technical support issues handled?
How is loss of data prevented in each type of program?
Is this a cloud- or server-based program? What hardware or software might be required?
Is training provided? In what ways?
Are laboratory and imaging results imported? Provide details on those that are compatible with the software program being discussed.

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