analyze several selected statements found in the paper “Ethnicity and obesity in the UK”
Project description
The coursework consists of two computer exercises, one in Stata and the second one in Excel. You can work on the coursework by yourself or in groups. The group size must not exceed two students. You have to submit three files per group:
The first is a pdf file. All your answers must be written up here. Present all your results in a legible and intelligible fashion. Explain what you did in Stata and Excel to obtain your results (copy the commands or use snap shots).
The second is a log-file with computations and results. The log-file is for my reference in case I want to know how exactly you have obtained your results.
The third is an Excel-file with computations and results. The Excel-file is for my reference in case I want to know how exactly you have obtained your results.
The files will be submitted through Moodle (dropbox Coursework for 2014-15). No hard copy will be required
I will only go through and mark the pdf file. Show all the relevant results there. The electronic copy of Excel and STATA files will be used for verification purposes only.
Students will be required to complete and submit the coursework no later than Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 4:00 PM. A late coursework will be awarded a 0% mark.
You are required to work with the files Coursework_Task1.dta and Coursework_Task2.xlsx uploaded on Moodle. These files contain a sample of the Health Survey for England 2012 (HSE 2012).
Note that the coursework marking has three parts: 65% marks in TASK 1 (Stata); 25% marks in TASK 2 (Excel); 10% marks for presentation and writing style. Presentation and writing style will be weighted as 10% of the coursework overall mark. This will include:
Overall presentation: margins, consistency in format and font, enough spaces between sections, tables presented in a clean way, graphs appearance etc.
Adequate references for the figures and tables.
Ability to sum up and identify the important points. Clarity of the arguments.